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Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Delayed cord clamping (DCC) is recommended for premature infants to improve blood volume. Most preterm infants are born by cesarean delivery (CD), and placental transfusion may be less effective than in vaginal delivery (VD). We sought to determine whether infants <32 weeks born by CD who undergo umbilical cord milking (UCM) […]

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Here is a wonderful blog post by Kathi In Kathi’s previous post, Faith Gibson gave us a run-down on the history and impact of premature cord clamping, including her assertion that this medical intervention “ the most profound change in routine birth practices for babies in the history of the human species.” Today, Faith concludes her […]

Here is a wonderful blog post by Kathi Physiological Management of a Newborn’s Umbilical Cord at the time of Birth To view the entire post click here “In this post, Faith Gibson explains the history behind premature cord clamping, and the physiologic ramifications that such an obtrusive intervention has.  In fact, she explains why this […]

Faith Gibson Part 1 – The White Ward Midwife and activist Faith Gibson discusses her experiences as a labor and delivery nurse in a segregated hospital in Florida in the 1960s. This segment focuses on Twilight Sleep and the type of delivery women had in the White Ward. Faith Gibson Part 2 – The Black […]