Here is a link to a beautiful video entitled ‘The Natural Cesarean: A Women Centered Technique’ that demonstrates a gentle and compassionate focus on cesarean sections. Although, the term ‘natural’, meaning to exist in or formed by nature, doesn’t really apply to surgery – the name ‘Mother-Centered’ or ‘Gentle-Cesarean’ may be a more accurate depiction.
“Birth by the Numbers” (2008 original version) is a video by Eugene R. Declercq PhD, Professor of Maternal and Child Health at the Boston University School of Public Health, presents sobering statistics about birth in the United States. Providing credible data-based evidence, this 20-minute film debunks popular myths about what’s driving the United States cesarean rate increase.
“Birth By the Numbers: The Update” (2014 updated version) a video by Gene Declercq, PhD dedicated to exploring how the United States is doing on a number of maternal and child health indicators.
Spinning Babies is an invaluable resource that helps parents discover new positions and exercises intended to rotate posterior and breech babies.
ICAN: International Cesarean Awareness Network is a nonprofit organization that strives to improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
Created by Jill Arnold, blogger and main author of the The Unnecesarean, this site provides a snapshot of publicly available U.S. cesarean rate data. Jill’s website compiles the most current hospital-level data accessible to the public online, whether reported directly by a state’s department of health or gathered from state hospital association web sites.
Find and compare cesarean rates of local healthcare providers in your area
SOLACE for Mothers, Inc. is an organization designed for the sole purpose of providing and creating support for women who have experienced childbirth as traumatic. Their support is confidential and offered by trained volunteers.
The Risks of Cesarean Section – PDF
Vaginal Birth Can Be Ok After Multiple C-Sections – PDF
Single Layer Uterine Closure in Cesarean Section – PDF
The Suture Debate – PDF
Single vs. Double Layer Hysterotomy Closure at Primary Caesarean Delivery and Bladder Adhesions – PDF
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